Have you ever asked for healing but never received it?
Or maybe you asked for healing for someone else but never saw it manifest?
This is all too common for this day and time.
And sadly enough the blame is always placed on God.
Religion's best is making excuses.
Religion's worst is inward examination.
Point the finger, lay the blame and make an excuse.
It's a hypocritical system.
God's system is far different.
Religion is based on law.
God's kingdom is based on love.
All manifestations in the kingdom come from a relationship with the Father and His Son.
Through this relationship one begins to understand the vastness of God's love and the limitless ability of His power.
Contrary to most religious teachings:
God does not limit his power or chose who receives his healing.
In order to understand this, we must look to His Word.
The most obvious example is the woman with the issue of blood. Luke 8: 43-48
This woman had a blood disease for 12 years, she was desperate. She had spent her life's savings on treatments that had only failed her.
However, her day of healing was just ahead. This day would come when Jesus walked through her city ministering the gospel - the Good News of healing and salvation.
This woman BELIEVED
that if she could just get through the crowd, enough to touch Christ's garments, she would receive healing.
And when she did, Jesus called out to her, knowing someone had received his healing power.
Jesus didn't call this woman forth out of the crowd.
He didn't chose her.
She chose Him!
And for this He said, "your faith has made you whole; go in peace."
Where is modern day healing?
The lack of manifestation in this day and time is not due to God's choice or His limiting power,
but rather the answer lies in
our choice.
We choose.
Do we choose supernatural healing in which we are
not moved by what we SEE but
by what we BELIEVE.
Or do we choose natural healing in which we put our faith in natural means-
the doctor and/or his prescriptions.
When the natural means begin failing,
supernatural healing moves into second place, a sort of fall back move
when this happens and the decision comes down to God and man,
does man really BELIEVE?
It is quite difficult to BELIEVE in someone you do not know.
Knowing comes through relationship, not religion.
This relationship yields trust
Trust yields love
Love casts out fear
Fearlessness produces faith.
The healing will ALWAYS come
when we choose to BELIEVE
And when we choose to RECEIVE.
But what if,
"What if the healing never comes?"
There are so many situations in our adult lives that have scarred us from receiving the full works of The Lord.
What ifs always seem to surface.
We have our own past experiences that have created mis-trusts and then we have the experiences of those around us.
What if?
Albert Einstein defined insanity as "doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results."
And history always wants to repeat itself. But that holds us in the past.
Fear holds us back.
Fear creates doubt.
Fear and faith cannot coexist.
Fear tolerated is
Faith contaminated.
Faith cannot grow in the presence of fear.
We must choose.
Without faith we cannot
And without faith we cannot
To see new results,
to see healing truly manifest,
we have to make a NEW choice,
A NEW decision,
This time we must say what God says,
"The healing always comes!
ALL the healing we'll ever need took place on that cross. God does not have to conjure up power or create some miraculous event.
He did it ALL
when He made a choice.
He CHOSE to send His only Son as a sacrifice so that through Him we would not only have eternal life but have it more abundantly. John 3:16, John 10:10
That life includes perfect health, wealth, joy, peace, freedom and a never ending supply of unconditional love. 3 John 1:2
So will the healing come?
Choose to BELIEVE!
Choose to RECEIVE!
It is so obvious in the plan of salvation.
When there is an alter call for salvation a person who CHOOSES Christ
walks to the front or stands in their seat in response.
They reach out.
Just like the woman with the issue of blood.
If they didn't think that they could truly receive salvation, they would not make a move.
But, in order to receive salvation, the scripture says the person must
BELIEVE in his heart that He
RECEIVES Christ's gift of salvation and then
CONFESS with his mouth
That Jesus is the Son of God. Romans10:9
We RECEIVE healing the same way.
The same work on the cross not only gave anyone who wanted it
eternal life
but also forgiveness of sins and
furthermore healing from all sickness and disease AND
Freedom from death. Isaiah 53:5
That is why the last words uttered by God's only Son were:
"It is finished!" John 19:30
Jesus did ALL the work!
Our only part is to
Choose to believe.
Choose to receive.
In this finished work, we can begin to see
How important our role of bringing heaven to earth really is, so that
"His kingdom comes, His will be done on this earth as it is in heaven."
No sickness,
no disease,
no death.
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever." Hebrews 13:8
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