Have you knelt at the feet of Jesus?
Do you live like Mary, always in a place of worship and serving?
Or do you live like Martha, always moving, busy, working, worrying?
Believe it or not, God created us solely for fellowship with Him. He would love nothing more than to spend all day every day in communion with us.
He created us to stay in a place of rest with Him. He created us to live in the secret place of the most High. Ps 91
When we spend time with the Father, when we take time out of our busy lives to get close to His Son Jesus, we get what we came for.
When we sit at the feet of Jesus, we will get what we long for the most.
What is it you need today?
His presence,
His unconditional, unfailing love,
His unconditional, unfailing love,
It's all there, waiting at the master's feet.
He gave it all, so that we could have it all.
He gave His life so that we could live a most abundant and glorious life.
He gave,
but what are we giving him?
He suffered for our sakes, are willing to suffer for His?
He gave,
but what are we giving him?
He suffered for our sakes, are willing to suffer for His?
Suffering for Christ's sake, really doesn't mean what we think.
It definitely does not mean the Father wants us to suffer the way His Son suffered.
It definitely does not mean the Father wants us to suffer the way His Son suffered.
No. His offering was a gift.
That suffering took the place of our suffering.
His gift was NOT given so that we should live a quiet, poor,mundane life, always lacking, always wanting.
His gift was not even given so that we might live an ordinary life.
No, that is religion's interpretation.
There was absolutely nothing ordinary about the life of Christ. He turned the world upside down with His teachings.
He suffered so we wouldn't have to.
He suffered so we wouldn't have to.
He gave His all, so that we could be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. James 1:4
He fought for victory, so that
we could fight from victory.
He fought for victory, so that
we could fight from victory.
So let's see what God really meant when he spoke of suffering.
Real suffering with Christ is all about relationship.
What will you sacrifice to know Him more?
Will you take time out of your busy work schedule?
Will you shop less, play less, eat less, all for more of Him?
Will you take time out of your busy work schedule?
Will you shop less, play less, eat less, all for more of Him?
Suffering is giving.
Suffering is resisting.
What will you give of your self to KNOW Christ more?
What will you give of your self to Show Christ more?
What will you resist to honor his work on the cross?
Didn't His Sacrifice give us all we will ever need, past, present and future?
Didn't He finish all the work of His Father?
If He died so that you could lead a healthy abundant life,
Will you resist disease when it tries to enter your body?
Will you resist fear when it comes to haunt your mind?
Will you resist lies when they come to steal the Truth?
Will you resist death when it comes to take you away?
Will you suffer amidst the normalcy of this life to exemplify the extraordinary life of Christ?
Will you suffer the ridicule from religion when you stand on the Word of Faith?
Will you suffer the ridicule from religion when you stand on the Word of Faith?
Will you suffer the name calling, finger pointing from those who don't believe the same as you?
Will you suffer the release of all control?
Will you sacrifice "self" on the cross?
Will you lay down your will so that God's will may be done on this earth as it is in heaven?
This IS suffering.
This type of suffering is what brings us into the glory of the Father.
This type of suffering advances the kingdom of God.
This type of suffering gets our needs and those around us met.
This type of suffering can only come through relationship,
Not religion.
Have you sat at the feet of Jesus and asked Him what He wants of you?
Or have you only asked of what you need from Him?
It's time.
Let's take time to sit at the feet of Jesus.
And ask, "Lord, what will you have me to do today?"
So Father, that YOUR kingdom can come and YOUR will be done through me on this earth as it is in heaven!
But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. (1 Peter 4:13 NIV)
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