Do you know SIN can be defined as anything that is not of FAITH?
The Bible states: Without FAITH it is impossible to believe God because ANYONE who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him." Hebrews 11:6
Notice that scripture does not say, He rewards those who do good? or rewards those who do not SIN?
He makes it clear to us that He rewards those who BELIEVE or have FAITH in Him. The only requirement God asks of us, is to BELIEVE in Him. Once a person chooses to BELIEVE in Him, He reveals Himself.
He created this system and created us this Way, because He wanted us to live in this way:
Spirit controlling mind and mind controlling body NOT mind controlling spirit and spirit controlling body.
The latter way is damaging. The latter way produces DIS-ease and sickness in the mind and body. The latter way allows circumstances and situations and people to rule your life. When the mind is in control, emotions control the body. This creates chaos. This creates tension and anger and animosity, strife, fear. We then allow the things people say about us or to us to actually affect who we are..This way of life allows the world to shape us, rather than allowing our Creator to shape us.
When we learn to live the way we were created; situations, negativity, or angry people will NEVER affect us.
We learn to live in a place of rest, peace, joy and love. We learn to see the world differently. We learn to see that emotions and hurt drive others to say things they say to us. We learn to love because we understand that the world is controlled by the mind, not the spirit. We see people differently. We realize that the world is driven by their circumstances or situations affecting their lives. Their mind is in fear or discourse from whatever is in their life. This understanding allows us to remove "ourself" from the equation and allow God to work through us. We are able to put our emotions aside and let God's love pour through our unhindered spirit instead if blocking Him with our jumbled mind of emotions and self pity.
If we could all understand the importance of REgeneration, we could lend a helping hand to the hurting world around us. If we could understand the importance of believing and then seeing we could take control of our lives and circumstances. If we could understand that DIS-ease in any area of our life is NOT ok, we could then begin to understand one of God's greatest commands:
"MY will be done on earth, AS IT IS IN HEAVEN!"
God's will can only be performed through us on this earth through our faith in Him and His love for us- Jesus sent for us.
Religion has made "faith" seem a rather impossible task. As if faith is something we work to achieve. I hear, all too often, "I am trying to have faith."
Faith isn't an achievement. It isn't a goal. It is a continual process. It is a constant mode of action. And it isn't hard or difficult to achieve. It was given to us as a gift by grace.
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— (Ephesians 2:8 NIV)
God's way is never difficult, it's just different. His way is opposite of the world's way (which has shaped us and our way of thinking).
In Romans 12:3, we are told each person was given a measure of faith. Then in Romans 10:17 we are told how to grow that measure of faith. "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God."
Faith is a development, a process that grows within us as we spend time developing our relationship with God and reading His Word. As we spend time getting to know God, we begin understanding His love for us (although the true extent of His love is incomprehensible). As we begin to see His love, our trust in Him grows, that trust shapes our faith.
And with faith nothing will be impossible for you!
He (Jesus) replied, “....Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. ” (Matthew 17:20 NIV)
Now go and move mountains and may God's will be done on this earth as it is in heaven.
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