At the time, my writings revolved around inspiring MY generation.
My own life had been regenerated and I was focusing on how to inspire others to do the same.
Let's look at the definition of this word. One online dictionary source defines it as such:
re·gen·er·a·tion (r
1. The act or process of regenerating or the state of being regenerated.
2. Spiritual or moral revival or rebirth.
3. Biology Regrowth of lost or destroyed parts or organs
In the body, the liver is the only organ that can actually regenerate once damaged. It has the capacity to grow new cells and new tissue. All the other organs in the body survive damage by maintaining life in the cells that have been unaffected. When 60% of an organ has been damaged or diseased, the blood work will reveal abnormal values, indicating the amount of damage that has been done. Once the damage is done, it cannot be reversed.
Our spirit being is more alive than our natural being or body. The spirit being can be damaged or diseased in the same way as the body. Stress, anger, discourse, strife, guilt, sin, regret, un-forgiveness, depression, anxiety, fear, loneliness, helplessness, are all emotions that DAMAGE our spirit being AND our body. DIS-ease in our environment or thought process leads to DISEASE in the body and spirit. Words can heal or destroy. Words can bless or curse. The body, mind and spirit CANNOT be separated from one another. Therefore, what affects one, affects the other.
This trinity - spirit, mind and body makes a Being whole or complete. As I've said before, the spirit was meant to lead the mind and body, not the other way around, in which, the mind leads the spirit and body.
My generation and the ones following have developed into a "reasoning" generation. We must see first before we believe. However, we were created to believe and then see.
We were designed to: Believe.
Our beliefs shape our thoughts, the thoughts produce words and the words bring forth action and the final outcome to our situation at hand.
Over time we evolved to: Reason.
Many "believe" this is the higher way, but it is really just the heady way. The spiritual realm far exceeds any reasoning or "natural" realm. Through this evolution, we chose to FIRST see something or a situation, then allow that something to shape our thoughts which then, in turn, produces the words which further carries out the action. For instance: We can't see God, so why should we Believe in Him?
This simple way of seeing to believe instead of believing to see, puts us in a position to allow our circumstances to shape our lives. This allows our circumstances or situation to PUSH us around, instead of us PUSHING them around. We should be undisturbed by problems in our lives. If we lived the way we were created, we would understand that difficulties or tribulations are not obstacles but opportunities.
Opportunities for what?
My generation is also known as the "WHY" generation. I am very much a "WHY" person.
So why do we need to GROW, REGENERATE or be REBORN?
Well, you don't have to be a genius to see that this world is in a giant mess. And as insanity states, you can't keep doing what you've always done and expect different results.
We must CHANGE something.
Just as Gandhi once said, "We must be the change we want to see in the world."
Change starts with one person. And all change must start within.
When we make a conscious decision to BELIEVE in something we can't see, we will see it come to pass.
I once thought I could do this without God, that I could change without Him. I tried but it just wasn't enough. That change comes through consciousness and the mind and it just isn't powerful enough. That change still makes one vulnerable to life and circumstances.
We must choose to Believe and then we will SEE. Believe and then God will reveal Himself. Believe and then He REGENERATE your spirit being.
When one chooses this life of REgeneration through Christ, the healing is limitless. There is no amount of disease or sickness in the mind, spirit or body, that is past the point of REgeneration. God can heal anything! It doesn't matter if 60, 80 or 100% of you has been damaged, it is never too much or too late to be Regenarated. God's healing knows no bounds. He does not see and then decide. He ONLY believes. He created us in His image to live this same way. He truly believes that each and every one of us will become who He created us to be. Now why can't we believe in Him to make it so?
The Church and Religion has caused so much damage. They have damaged the minds, spirits, and even bodies of so many people. They have taught such wrong things, they have been led astray by their minds and reasoning. They have been led by their minds not their spirits. They have reacted through their emotions not through their belief and understanding of God. However, even that damage is REVERSIBLE. The lives they've destroyed can be REgenerated. All it takes is ONE touch from the Creator. That touch can be felt when we choose to BELIEVE.
So what will you do? Believe or not? There is no in-between.
Our Creator only asks one thing of us: To Believe that He is. -Hebrews 11:6
It is only through this belief that He can begin to move in our lives and reward us abundantly above all we could ever ask or think.
BELIEVE me, I know.
It is only through this belief that He can begin to move in our lives and reward us abundantly above all we could ever ask or think.
BELIEVE me, I know.
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