Thursday, November 21, 2013

The joys of life from the passenger seat

If you KNEW with everything in your Being, that there was a perfectly created plan for your life that only YOU could carry out, do you think you could lay down YOUR desires and YOUR plans to follow it? 

That's the journey I'm on and I don't know where it's leading me and I don't know much of what I am doing. 
But I'm learning to follow. 
Pray first. 

My entire world has been turned upside down, everything I thought I had become and everything I thought I had learned has been radically changed right before my eyes. 
All things temporal, all things we can see in the physical are 
Subject to Change. 

When we are in the driver's seat of our life, WE are in control and with control comes worries, cares, difficulties, fears, anxieties and failures. 
I have never been one to handle failure well. 
When I first came across a quote in high school discussing failures, I thought it ridiculous. 

"It's not when are you going to fail? But rather, how are you going to handle your failure, that matters." 

Hmmm. I don't plan on failing....
But, in the real world, you find out rather quickly that you must be prepared for failures. 
If you are human, you WILL fail. 
Some people are extremely comfortable with failing. 
Some people have learned to expect it. 
But with failure comes heartache, disappointment, regret, anger, and resentment. 
So whether we are prepared for failure or not, we cannot always be prepared for the emotions, the aftershock, that it brings. 

What I discovered is this, 
When you lay down YOUR plan for 
The divine plan, 
You must learn to Follow
Not lead. 
You relinquish control. 
When you sit in the passenger seat, 
You listen,
You obey. 

"If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land." Isaiah 1:19

When we relinquish control, 
we don't suffer the aftershock of failures. 
We experience quite the opposite, 
We find Freedom.
We experience joy in tribulation.
And peace in the middle of the storm. 
I've really never known anything quite like it! 

So will we still fail? 
But, those cares are no longer ours.  
Those cares are meant to be rolled over to your guide, the one leading, 
"The Father of mercies"
"The God of all comforts"
He is in control. 

When you get in the passenger seat, here's what you'll hear. 
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and 
I will give you rest. 
Take my yoke upon you and 
learn from me, 
for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 
For my yoke is easy and 
my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

We err,
when we try to take back the wheel,
When we stop listening,
When we stop praying,
When we stop following. 

"God is not obligated to defend us in battles He has not initiated. "-Dominigue

when we are fighting the good fight of Faith,
Following his lead,
Trusting in His command, 
He fights our battles for us. 

If you had crossed paths with me just a few years ago and asked me to give up everything to follow my divine plan, I would have said, 
that's impossible. 
But, now I know, 
No-thing is impossible with God. 
And I've found
All things are possible if you will only believe. 
I believed. 
I'm following. 
I'm trusting. 
And the most exhilarating part, I have no idea where I'm going. 
I'm resting. 
I'm in the passenger seat. 
And I am free of the consequences of disappointments, failures, regrets, resentments, anger, fear and anxiety. 
I am free to sit back and relax,
To walk this walk or 
Ride this ride,
knowing at the end, 
I will eat the good of the land. 

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