In case you haven't read my post "Cupid's hardened heart", now would be a good time.
We need to wake up and accept we are in the midst of a battle.
When the latest trend in jewelry represents the enemy 's definition of love and desire, we have to realize the seriousness of the times.
There are only two forces at war with us at all times. We are seeing the manifestation of these two now.
Agape love vs Eros love
Selfless love vs Selfish love
Sheep vs Goats
Light vs Dark
This symbol of Eros, represents the strongest sense of self and selfishness. It's love is toxic and unsatisfying. The lie is subtle and the end result is always self-destruction.
The symbol of a serpent turning back and eating itself represents the ultimate goal, the pattern of self-destruction.
Believe me, I know.
I lived it.
I escaped it's narrow grip only by the grace and mercy of my God!!

This is not alright. This is not a fashion statement.
This is deception.
The Heavenly Father's only command is for us to love Him and our neighbor.
Eros entices us to do just the opposite.
Selfishness devours all Agape love.
Eros represents selfish love.
Eros leads us farther and farther away from the love of our Heavenly Father and His command to love others.
Eros makes self número uno.
Eros is the kind of love that devours, it pursues, it destroys, it is relentless. It's ultimate desire is death and damnation.

However, as followers of the Agape road, the road that leads to our Heavenly Father, we know the beginning from the end, we know which side wins.
It is the world who needs to hear.
"Don't be deceived, God is not mocked. Whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap. If He sows to his flesh (Eros love) he will of the flesh reap corruption,
BUT, if he sows to The Spirit (Agape love) he will of The Spirit, reap life everlasting."
Galatians 6:7-8
Please share this word. The world is deceived. They are blind. They need our guidance. Don't be afraid. This is real and YOU can be the change we need to see in this world!
Lord, may Your Kingdom come so Your will be done on this earth as it in heaven!
Lovin it as always. Still a huge fan of ur awesome goodness. Keep spreading the glory