Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Wanting Nothing
For about 6 months now, I have been trying to arrive at this image.
I have been sitting before the Lord asking Him to please help me envision myself this way.
I mean, in this day and time, that seems absolutely impossible.

As I sat meditating on this image, I felt like a kid making a Christmas list...let's see, ok,
I need a house, a big house (making image of the house with the giant mudroom for all the dogs)
I need property and I really want a water feature, preferably a river and/or pond.
How about the veterinary clinic I hope to have...and all the equipment...good lord!!
What if I want to have children, what about all the things they will need...
And the list and the worries would go on and on and on...

I would get frustrated and stop my meditation and just begin to pray.
"Lord I know this state of WANTING NOTHING must be possible because You tell us to arrive at it right there in Your Word."

I am a visionary. I think BIG. I can't think one day at a time, I have to think 5,10, 20 years into the picture. This way of thinking overwhelms my husband. He can say one thing and in an instant, I have an entire life planned out.
Yet, When I tried to envision this state of being,
Wanting Nothing
It was just too much. There was literally NO way I could arrive at this state without knowing what the future held.

But that's not how God wants us. He wants us to plan and look forward to the future but He wants us to be in the moment.
Ah ha...I figured it out. What will it take for me to be perfect and entire and WANTING NOTHING for one day...
And then the list would begin again....and again...and again...
Morning after morning, I would spend some time trying to arrive at the state of
Wanting Nothing.

This morning.
Well, it began arriving last night.

Last night while sitting in a Transformation Ministries' class we were discussing "How we SEE God."
We discussed that most of us view God in the same way we view our earthly Father and/or Mother in case of an absentee Father. This can be positive or negative.
I am blessed to say, my father tried his hardest to mimic the heart of our Heavenly Father.

So what was my earthly Father like? 
He loved me unconditionally. He may not have always been pleased with me, but that never changed his heart.
He was also my provider and my protection.
Growing up, I never had to worry about ANYTHING.
I knew my Father would take care of me.

But as I grew older and stronger and more self-sufficient, I wanted nothing more than to be an independent.
I wanted to care for MY self!
I didn't want to depend on ANYONE.

Well guess what? That independence and self-sufficiency has grown and grown and grown.
When we become self-sufficient, we become self-reliant. We lack dependency.

BUT, God wants us to be dependent. He wants to be our Provider. He wants to be our Protection. He wants to be our EVERYTHING. He created us solely for communion with Him. He created us to love and be loved by Him.

So this morning as I began my meditative exercise, "Lord please help me to begin seeing myself as 
Wanting Nothing."

And He did.

This is how PERFECT and ENTIRE and WANTING NOTHING should look to us, our hand IN His hand.

We will NEVER be able to provide all the things we need for ourselves.
We can NEVER reach the point of enough.
We are human.
We have a mind with an insatiable appetite for more, more, more.

We have a Father who can not only provide ALL that we will ever need
but who can BE ALL that we will EVER need.

When we TRUST in Him, we can truly live one moment at a time and one day at a time. We become like children, knowing we have NOTHING to worry about or NOTHING to want for.

This is how we bring Heaven to Earth.

"But let patience have her perfect work that you may be PERFECT and ENTIRE and WANTING NOTHING." James 1:4

1 comment:

  1. Yes... we are human! It is hard.
    We have many wants, “needs” and a society that pushes us around at times if we let it.
    But oh the joy in dependence on Our Father! More of You Father and less of me.
