Monday, June 24, 2013

Who are you?

As I child, I dreamed endlessly of morphing into something new, something greater, something better. I spent many days daydreaming of another life. I did not understand why I held images of a different world, even a different system. I did not know all the things that I know now but I did have an idea. I loved so many books; one, in particular, Kafka’s Metamorphosis left an early impression. Likewise, I was drawn to Metamorphosis by the Stones. I loved the word, I loved the idea. I wanted to morph. The scientist in me loved caterpillars, cocoons and butterflies. Oh how I longed for change.

I kept that passion alive in me. I had the analytical mind of a scientist but the burning flame of an artist. My purpose in life was to stay in constant motion, always changing, always growing. I lived to never look back, stagnation and complacency were never found in my vocabulary. Like Kerouac, the road was an open world of possibilities. I refused to allow anything to hold me back. I just knew there was nothing I could not do and no place I could not venture to go. I had a burning inside me that often rolled through my veins like boiling water.

I was unsure of this feeling. I heard the term “fireball” way too often. I had no idea why I was called such. I was not a red head nor of Latin decent. Why did I burn with passion so? Why did injustice make my skin crawl? Why did I feel things that so many did not? Who was I? Where did I come from? Was I even human? I felt so out of place. Most people around me seemed void, empty and distant. They were content and satisfied. But not me, I am still the same today, I can’t get NO satisifaction.

I can’t get NO satisfaction.

And why should I be? Why should I be satisfied with a physical experience in a supernatural world? I want and have always wanted the supernatural experience. I will share with you what I have discovered, but first I must ask you a seemingly simple question: who are you?

Who do you think you are? This is not based on your occupation or lack thereof, this is not the opinion of another, this is not who you have been told you are. I am asking who do YOU think you are? Thinking you know who you are, and KNOWING you know who you are, are two completely different things? If we do not understand who we really are, we can never unveil the reasons behind our existence.

Why ARE you here? Why are you living and breathing on this planet? Are you just taking up space? wasting time? Waiting on something? Trying to live out this life to the fullest, only for what? To return to the earth, the earth that is passing away?

Do not sell yourself short. Do not reason away your existence. It is not coincidence that you are here at this most important time in history? Is it not strange that you are living near the end of an era; the closing of a natural existence and the dawning of a spiritual one?

Your existence is not happenstance by two people who conceived you. You are part of something BIG. And you were chosen for this “climax of the ages” for a much greater purpose than the physical mind can imagine. Join me on this journey of enlightenment and encouragement for there is New Day Dawning.

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