Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Broken and Contrite

My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, you, God, will not despise." Psalm 51:17

Losing SELF and letting go is NOT giving up. It is laying down. It is laying down who Ego told you, YOU were and allowing God to show you, who YOU are.
He feeds the hungry. He feeds the one seeking Him.
Wigglesworth says it like this:
"If you want to grow in grace and in the life of knowledge of the grace of God, get hungry enough to be fed, be thirsty enough to cry, be broken enough you cannot have anything in the world without HE comes Himself."

Religion teaches that we must change this and/or that before we come to God.
God says, "Come to me and allow me to change you."

Religion says, "You must be qualified to be called."
God says, "I qualify the called."

Religion says we must be indoctrinated.
God says, "You must lose doctrine to see me."

God is not who Religion says He is. God is love. He does not give love. He IS love.
His only concern is His creation, His children. His sheep. He loves us as He loved Jesus. He loved us so that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to die for us.
Through this death, anyone, at anytime, hanging from a cliff, drowning in the water, reaching for a knife or noose, can look up and cry out and He will do as He did me. He will reach down His hand, He'll fill the heart with love and spirit with joy. He'll replace everything that was lost or broken.

There is no one, He cannot save. There is no hurt, He cannot take away. There is no wound, He cannot heal. He wants us just the way we are....broken and contrite.

"And God shall wipe away all the tears from their eyes.." Revelation 21:4

Isaiah said it this way, "To give unto them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he might be glorified. Isaiah 61

From me to you

How do we make the switch? How do we shift from selfish to selfless? How do we lessen the mind's control?
I can tell you from experience how I made the switch. I, indeed, was not any way shape or form born self-less. As a kid, I was a bit of a control freak with my toys - just ask my sister. As I got older, the selfishness grew bigger and bigger. Self makes choices through life.
1) Allow experiences in our life to make us more docile and weaker.
2) Use experiences to grow stronger and more resilient.
In most cases, the latter occurs. Self knows to survive it must learn from prior difficulties, traumas and hurts. It builds a wall around its most prized possession - it's fortress, the heart. These walls protect self and by doing so, they keep others out. This is an evolutionary process: "Survival of the fittest!"
The only way to become Self-less is to lose Self. That is a most difficult conscious effort. The reason being, conscious effort comes out of the mind. The mind will NEVER choose to lose itself or loose itself.
So without conscious effort how does this occur? By coming to the END of self.

Me? I came to the End of my self quite unexpectedly. Through a series of events I found myself broken, confused, careerless, homeless, and most importantly, SELF-less.

The mind is a terrible thing to waste, right? Wrong! The mind is ego. Ego is self and vice versa. Ego makes us un-malleable. Ego is a control freak. Ego is a power trip. Ego is number one. Ego jumps off a cliff when things go wrong. Ego needs reasoning, order and perfection.

What saved me? Well, the only ONE who is always waiting, always ready to step in and save you when Ego wants to jump ship.
In that moment of clarity, you realize, this is "coming to the END of self." You know that in order to live, survive, you need to be rescued. You know you need to reach that hand. As you struggle to keep your head above water or your fingers are losing their grip on the cliff, you see the hand reaching for you. You can see the Savior, calling your name, calling to the spirit being that has been smothered by Ego. Then you realize, ego doesn't really care about you. Ego was ready to jump and take you with him. Ego cannot handle failure. Ego cannot handle loss. Ego would die before giving in.
But it's not giving in or giving up that you are doing. You are letting go. You are releasing yourself from the grip of memories, hurt, traumas, previous experiences. You are releasing yourself from the past. You are releasing control. You are no longer stiff and rigid, you are now soft and pliable. Your being feels like clay in a potter's hand. You feel more alive than you've ever felt. You feel more peace than you've ever known. You feel more love than your heart can handle. You look back and see Ego's face gnashing his teeth, running his mouth, shouting out cursings as he sees you melt.

You realize where you are.... You are in the palm of your Creator's hand. He is looking at you with the softest eyes. He smiles and says, " will let me help you! You will let me guide you into the being I created you to be. Finally, all the unique gifts and idiosyncrasies I put specifically within you will be put to use. Finally you will hear my soft voice and not the loud voices of all those around you, calling for your attention, trying to make you resilient, trying to make you into one of them."

 As He wipes the tears from your eyes and brushes your hair back from your face, you begin to see differently. You begin to see that the End is really only the beginning.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Superstition or supernatural?

Since the majority of our society is void of any understanding of their spirit being residing within, most spiritual topics are labeled as mysticism or superstitious or magical. I will agree that some spiritual aspects are such, but the realm we are seeking is not. It is the realm of Truth. It is not evasive or elusive. It is the foundation for all that is and all that every will be.

"For God is Spirit, those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth." John 4:24
"Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. " 2 Corinthians 3:17

This foundation is of the utmost importance. We must come to an understanding that we were created  human as: Spirit, soul, and body.
If we neglect this understanding, we neglect 1/3 of our constitution, the most important 1/3 of our being!!!
Without proper understanding of the spirit being we have developed into  a "sensual" society driven by the 5 senses: taste, touch, see, hear or smell. 
The mind or intellect is the primary driving force. It must SEE to Believe. It has an insatiable appetite and desire to achieve and become and divide and conquer. It is "human nature." It is "self-preservation." It is "first and foremost." It is "me, me, me."
With awakening comes the awareness that it is not just "me, me, me." Everything we do affects someone else. Every word we speak either blesses or curses someone. We are all connected even at the level of atoms and particles. Quantum physics has proven this intricate intertwining of this physical world. We are all beings of light. Everything was formed from light and God's spoken word. 
"...The Spirit of God was moving (hovering, brooding) over the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light; and there was light." (Genesis 1:2, 3 AMP)

If we want to awaken, if we want to experience heaven on earth. It starts with a shift from Self-ish to Self-less. From "me" to "you." From mind to spirit. 

"There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling." Ephesians 4:4

As we come to understand the spirit within, we must understand how to nourish it. Just as the saying goes for the body, "you are what you eat." The spirit goes by,"you are who you feed." Everything we put into our eyes and our ears is affecting our spirit. Every thought that crosses our mind, every word we speak from our mouths is molding and shaping our spirit being. 

There is a Cherokee Indian Adage to describe the struggle that occurs within the spirit being: This grandfather describes it as a battle.

My son, there is a battle between two ‘wolves’ inside us all.

One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.’

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: ‘Which wolf wins?’

The old Cherokee simply replied, ‘The one you feed.’

Monday, June 24, 2013

Who are you?

As I child, I dreamed endlessly of morphing into something new, something greater, something better. I spent many days daydreaming of another life. I did not understand why I held images of a different world, even a different system. I did not know all the things that I know now but I did have an idea. I loved so many books; one, in particular, Kafka’s Metamorphosis left an early impression. Likewise, I was drawn to Metamorphosis by the Stones. I loved the word, I loved the idea. I wanted to morph. The scientist in me loved caterpillars, cocoons and butterflies. Oh how I longed for change.

I kept that passion alive in me. I had the analytical mind of a scientist but the burning flame of an artist. My purpose in life was to stay in constant motion, always changing, always growing. I lived to never look back, stagnation and complacency were never found in my vocabulary. Like Kerouac, the road was an open world of possibilities. I refused to allow anything to hold me back. I just knew there was nothing I could not do and no place I could not venture to go. I had a burning inside me that often rolled through my veins like boiling water.

I was unsure of this feeling. I heard the term “fireball” way too often. I had no idea why I was called such. I was not a red head nor of Latin decent. Why did I burn with passion so? Why did injustice make my skin crawl? Why did I feel things that so many did not? Who was I? Where did I come from? Was I even human? I felt so out of place. Most people around me seemed void, empty and distant. They were content and satisfied. But not me, I am still the same today, I can’t get NO satisifaction.

I can’t get NO satisfaction.

And why should I be? Why should I be satisfied with a physical experience in a supernatural world? I want and have always wanted the supernatural experience. I will share with you what I have discovered, but first I must ask you a seemingly simple question: who are you?

Who do you think you are? This is not based on your occupation or lack thereof, this is not the opinion of another, this is not who you have been told you are. I am asking who do YOU think you are? Thinking you know who you are, and KNOWING you know who you are, are two completely different things? If we do not understand who we really are, we can never unveil the reasons behind our existence.

Why ARE you here? Why are you living and breathing on this planet? Are you just taking up space? wasting time? Waiting on something? Trying to live out this life to the fullest, only for what? To return to the earth, the earth that is passing away?

Do not sell yourself short. Do not reason away your existence. It is not coincidence that you are here at this most important time in history? Is it not strange that you are living near the end of an era; the closing of a natural existence and the dawning of a spiritual one?

Your existence is not happenstance by two people who conceived you. You are part of something BIG. And you were chosen for this “climax of the ages” for a much greater purpose than the physical mind can imagine. Join me on this journey of enlightenment and encouragement for there is New Day Dawning.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Wise Lake

"Tis curious that we only believe as deeply as we live." Ralph Waldo Emerson. 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

God's breath- The Tri-part being

The Tri-part Being:
Spirit, God's breath was breathed into man's nostrils, creating him to be an eternal being. 
"Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being." (Genesis 2:7 NIV)
The spirit of a man can NEVER die. After leaving the body, it will exist infinitely in one of two realms, the one above or the one beneath. 
"Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed"— (1 Corinthians 15:51 NIV)
The spirit cannot function on this planet without a body. The body is a type of "earth suit." It is the natural part of the supernatural being. With it, we are able to move and communicate. 
The body is our connection to earth, while our spirit is our connection to heaven. 

Within the spirit lies "free will" or the mind or the soul. This is the driving force of our determination and will and the source of our emotions. This is what separates us from animals- it is not the spirit but rather the soul/mind.  
Genesis explains that a spirit being resides within animals, this is their connection to their Creator : "And they went into the ark with Noah, two and two of all flesh in which there were the breath and spirit of life."(Genesis 7:15 AMP)
This gift of reasoning gave us responsibility, it put us in charge of our own destiny. 
God chose to give us the ability to make our own decisions, to reason out problems and form solutions. He gave us our right to choose Him or ignore Him. 
"This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob."(Deuteronomy 30:19, 20 NIV)

The mind is the body's control panel. 
It is both a blessing and a curse. It analyzes and assesses, it agrees and complains. It controls the most important organ of the body, the life-force of the being- the tongue. 
The tongue is like the body's rudder. It is told what to speak or confess by the mind and then the body carries out the action. 
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit." (Proverbs 18:21 NKJV)

The original design of man was Spirit-soul/mind and  body. Through direct connection with The Creator and His glory, the spirit would influence the will/mind/soul's thoughts. Then the thoughts would bring forth action. 
Furthermore, this spirit/soul/body was created to be blameless, to remain in holy communion with the creator. And with this communion would come eternal life and immortality. 
"May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Thessalonians 5:23 NIV)

But as we know, man took a turn, he fell away and fought to be in control. With little to no nourishment or holy communion, the spirit withered, withdrew and the mind became the driving force that we all know so well today- SELF! 
Through generations of spiritual neglect, the mind developed into its own force. It learned to be self-sufficient, powerful and self-reliant. Forgetting its origin, it broke free from the Creator and the life giving being- the Spirit within. It became obsessed with self-preservation and temporal concerns. It became Selfish, not self-less. 
The very gift of reasoning severed its only connection to eternal life through severing all communication with the Creator. 

In order to bring heaven to earth, the spirit must re-connect with its eternal life force-the Creator- the giver of life. It must retrain the mind and control the tongue. In this lies the power to manifest heaven on earth. 
The spirit guides, the mind follows and the tongue confesses:
"Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."(Matthew 6:9, 10 NIV)
This will, your will be done on this earth as in heaven. We will see, I do see heaven on this earth! 

The Promise of a New Day

There is something moving in the atmosphere. Can you feel it? There is a shift, there is a movement taking place right now. It is happening all around you. However, it is perfectly “natural” if you cannot feel it. Most of society is completely unaware. The spiritual realm is not a common subject, nor is the fact that we are all spiritual beings. There are not many conversations discussing the mere fact that we are only visitors on this planet. We are “spirit” beings having a “natural” experience.

With such little discussion, we find ourselves standing at the end of time watching the natural world pass away. The irreversible damage has been done. We were given a planet and we so carelessly destroyed it. We were given physical bodies and we neglected and abused them. We were given talents and we buried them. We were given elders and we locked them away. We were given children and we chose to ignore them.

In this time lies good news and bad news. Let’s talk about the good. The end of this reality is the beginning of something much greater. There is something larger than any of us human beings. It is the “super natural”. The supernatural is experienced in the spiritual world that invisibly surrounds us. The shift I'm speaking of is taking place in this realm. The good news: we can choose to be a part of it right here in our natural bodies. The bad news: we have the freedom to ignore it. Acceptance will bring heaven to earth, while ignorance will bring hell.

The closest word I have to describe this shift is Paradigm. A radical change is occurring in our world. It has to do with the belief system that once established our “nature.” The only way to arrive at this change is to reach beyond the natural and step into the supernatural. This radical change can be manifested in this natural world. I know because I am in the midst of it now. Whether you chose to grasp it or not, will not affect its arrival. It is here now, residing with us, within us. It begins on the inside and works its way out.

I call this era, this age, this paradigm shift, the Age of Transfiguration. Transfiguration can be defined as: A marked change in form or appearance; a metamorphosis. It is a change that glorifies or exalts. For humans to morph, they have to make a conscious effort to change. It is not something that happens naturally. This change happens within our deepest being, our spirit being. In order for the spirit being to develop it must break free of the mind’s control.

All change, as we know, will be met with resistance. Once the conscious decision is made, the extraordinary change begins. The most difficult step is the decision itself. After that, a snowball effect occurs. The process begins as a trickle but develops into a gushing waterfall of Peace, Love, Joy, Abundance and many blessings not curses. Well, as I said, heaven on earth.